Girls, Life, People


I think that many times there is something that we want from another person when we want it but we are not willing to give the same courtesy to that person. It’s easy to take in this life and not give back especially when we know the person wants our approval and is willing to do it. We play on another persons feelings and weaknesses in order to benefit our own wants and desires.

I have no conclusion to draw from this really except that you have to be careful who you are nice to. People are more then willing to exploit any “weakness” you show. More than that though, try to care for those around you. Just because someone has done this to you and hurt you does not mean it is right for you to turn around and do it to another. The golden rule doesn’t say “Do unto others as you would have them do to the next guy”. Sadly we don’t treat others how we want to be treated, we expect everyone to love us even while we are jerks. Some manage this but I don’t think that it ever lasts.

~ BlondHeadedHunk

Social networks


In a snap, short sentenced conversations; these short sentences continue until one or both people get fed up with it and exchange numbers or start just writing without pictures. I mean let’s be honest, there are only so many ways that I can angle my face before you have seen all sides of it. Another selfie? You still look the same, fake smile, oh look your hair moved half an inch to the left, how did that happen? Gotta love technology

P.S. I do have a snapchat so I agree it was a wonderfulish invention.

Girls, Life

Problems, are their answers?

There are a few things that are just bad when you are a guy. A. When your sitting down and you slowly slide down in your seat till you roll over your balls. B. You make out with the best friend of the girl your trying to get. and the worst of all C. You don’t make out with her because you are trying to get another girl but then it doesn’t workout in the end because she made out with her instead…ultimate rejection.

But None of these happened to me, therefore I am good, at least for the most part. See the thing is that when you meet a girl that you like and you pursue her and then after hanging out and texting for awhile you realize that you have nothing in common and can hardly carry on a conversation; what do you do? Well she says “Its all good, you can like other people. I don’t want to date you lets just be best friends” So you go about your merry life and next thing your phone lights up with a text from her saying “Do you like so and so?” “Why were you chasing so and so down the hall?” and the list continues, the people you flirt with, the people you text, they all seem to tell her as if its a pre-set warning system she has so in the case that you are dating her and you talk to anyone else she will know instantly. It would be all good and dandy except that everytime you confront her on the issue she says “naw, I dont care, I am just kidding”. Girls…obviously, cant live with them and they come with you so you cant live without them.

~ BlondHeadedHunk

Girls, Life


Can someone explain to me why some people like to bite other people? Namely girls. I mean are you that desperate? If you wanna bite something then why not get some food? Go gnaw on a tree or the grass outside but my arms and hands aren’t edible and no it doesn’t turn me on when you bite me till I bleed; just sayin

~ BlondHeadedHunk



I have a knack for debates. There’s something thrilling about arguing your point till either you have been beaten or proved you are right. I enjoy debating things that I don’t have to study though, things I already posses a knowledge of…well now I am working on a debate to run for “Democratic Governor of Texas”. It’s a school thing, I am looking forward to the speaking/debating but right now I have to do prep-work for it. So off I go to figure out what to do with property tax, raise it or lower it? That is the question and so now i must find an answer…wish me luck

~ BlondHeadedHunk


I’m back

Another day at school. There is always an ample supply of things to stress over, homework that is overdue, girl drama, friend drama, class anger and people being rude but through it all comes someone who cares and understands you. A friend to shine through the darkness and bring you a ray of hope. For me it was simply someone confiding in me about something simple but it showed me that someone still trusted me. Trust is a hard thing to come by now days but when it’s there it should be cherished like none other. Appreciate people for their trust in you and others.
~ BlondHeadedHunk


First Post

I could start off with some deep and heavy thoughts about how the universe spins round and life isn’t fair but seeing as how I doubt that will snag many readers I will simply say “Hola”. No, I don’t speak Spanish, not even slightly, heck, I thought that “si” was spelled “ci”, so if you need help with Spanish homework don’t ask me…right, I was saying “Hi”. I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it and if you do, please let me know…somehow. I am sure there is a link somewhere to write a comment or send me an email or some form of telling me “Your blog sucks man, its time to get a job” well with that being said, happy reading and may this blog be ever interesting to you.

~ BlondHeadedHunk
